Bonnie Update

Written by Al Lengeman on March 22nd, 2024

Bonnie is a retired breeder, from a puppy mill, that was rescued by GRRoM about two years ago. When she came to GRRoM she was near death from illness and it was obvious that she had suffered both physical and psychological trauma in her lifetime. We have worked through the medical issues and she now moves about freely without pain. She does, however, have a unique gait due to the amputation of two toes, on her right front paw, and a permanent injury to the carpal joint on the same leg. Unfortunately, many of her psychological issues remain. As much as we have tried exposing her to a variety of social environments, she is still anxious and uncomfortable in unfamiliar settings and around most people. It’s apparent that she feels safe and comfortable in our home so we have made the decision to make her a permanent part of our family rather than exposing her to the additional anxiety of adapting to new surroundings. Although she makes small but continuous improvements, Bonnie will probably never be the typical outgoing, goofy golden. Despite this, we love her as she is and our goal is to ensure that she knows she is safe and to make her as happy as possible for the rest of her life.

To read Al’s original story about Bonnie, click HERE.




Grace and Tucker Update!